Flash Fried Enoki Mushrooms with Toasted Crumbs & Set Cream
Paris Bistro Cooking with Edward Delling-Williams

Flash Fried Enoki Mushrooms with Toasted Crumbs & Set Cream
- 2 ¼ cups cream
- 1 cup egg yolks
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp dried Porcini mushroom powder
- pinch of salt
- ½ cup panko
- 1 tbsp flat-leaf parsley chopped
- 4 tbsp olive oil
- 1 bundle Enoki mushrooms
For the Set Cream
- Pour the cream into a saucepan set over medium heat.
- While the cream is heating up, mix the sugar and salt in a large mixing bowl, add in the egg yolks and whisk together.
- Stir the dried porcini mushroom powder into the cream, stirring until just before the mixture comes to a boil. Remove the cream from the heat and begin tempering the eggs by slowly pouring from the saucepan into the mixing bowl in a steady slow stream.
- Once it’s incorporated, pour the mixture back into the pan and return it to medium heat. Continuously whisk the mixture, monitoring the temperature using an instant-read or infrared thermometer.
- Once it’s reached 185°F, quickly take it off the heat and strain it through a sieve into a bowl. Carefully pour that into your serving bowls and set aside in a cool place to set.
For the Toasted Crumb
- Preheat the oven to 350°F.
- Chop up the fresh flat-leaf parsley and set aside.
- Gently toss together the panko, parsley, and olive oil, pour into a pan and place in the oven. Once golden brown, remove the panko mixture and set it aside in a bowl.
- Sprinkle the panko mixture generously across the top of the custard dish.
For the Enoki Mushrooms
- Set a pan over high heat and pour in two tablespoons of olive oil.
- Cut all the mushrooms at once with one single slice at the stem (at about the middle point) and toss in the pan to flash fry until you start seeing just a little bit of color (about 2 minutes).
- Remove from the pan, place on top of the custard, and serve. You'll make this your go-to dish every time!