Granola Layers
A Taste of Ireland: Ballyknocken Cookery School

Servings: 4 Servings
Author: Chef Catherine Fulvio
For the granola (makes about 5 cups so you’ll have extra to enjoy):
- 2 tbsp rapeseed (or canola) oil
- 4 tbsp honey
- 3 cups steel-cut oats
- 1 cup quinoa flakes
- 3 tbsp sunflower seeds
- 4 tbsp sesame seeds
- 3 tbsp pumpkin seeds
- 2 tbsp pistachios, roughly chopped
- 4 tbsp coconut flour
- 2 tbsp raisins
- 2 tbsp dried cranberries
- Heat the oven to 350°F.
- Line a large baking tray with parchment paper.
- Mix the oil and honey in a large bowl. Add in all the remaining ingredients, except the coconut, raisins, and cranberries, and mix well.
- Pour the mixture onto a large baking tray and spread evenly. Bake for about 18 to 20 minutes, stirring from time to time. Then mix in the coconut, raisins and cranberries and bake for a further 5 minutes. Keep an eye on this mixture as it can burn around the edges quickly.
- Remove from the oven and leave to cool completely before spooning into a storage jar.
To serve:
- 2 cups natural yogurt
- 2 cups fresh raspberries, blueberries and/or strawberries (plus more, to decorate)
- mint leaves, to decorate
- To serve, layer up ½ cup of granola, ½ a cup berries, and ½ a cup of the yogurt in each glass, ending with berries and a spoonful of yogurt. Decorate each with a mint leaf and serve.